Magnesium What?

You hear it everywhere these days, “you are deficient in magnesium, everyone needs to be supplementing!”. But then you go to the store to buy some and are overwhelmed by the many choices. Why are there so many different kinds? Which form is best? How much should I take? Let’s look at a few forms and that they are used for.

Magnesium glycinate is used to support sleep and stress reduction.

Magnesium citrate is used for constipation. It usually comes in a powder form to be mixed with liquid.

Magnesium malate is used when there is over excitement of the neuromuscular system.

Magnesium L-threonate is used for neurological support.

Magnesium taurate is used to support healthy blood sugar levels.

Foods that are high in magnesium include dark chocolate, black beans, spinach, avocado, Kale, oatmeal, cashews and almonds.

Don’t forget you can request a login to our online dispensary to purchase high quality supplements at

What is Wellness Chiropractic?

Why would someone see a chiropractor if they don’t have pain?

In order to answer this question we need to understand what chiropractic care is.


Chiropractors address your spine and nervous system. Because we address the spine many think the only reason to go to a chiropractor is for neck or back pain. However, one of the main reasons people give for visiting a chiropractor is overall health. So how is overall health addressed through spinal adjustments? The spine is a moveable cover for your spinal cord. Your spinal cord is part of your central nervous system. Each spinal segment is made up of two vertebrae and the joints that connect them, each vertebrae is separated by a disc in between. The disc provide cushion to the vertebrae as the joints move. Underneath the spinal column there are a lot of things happening. Messages travel from around the body, up the spinal cord and into the brain. The brain processes these messages and sends a reply back down the spinal cord, and tells the body how to respond.

Wear and tear of the spine can happen gradually over time, from things such as poor posture, or it can be traumatic happening suddenly. This wear and tear of the spine causes spinal segments to move in dysfunctional ways. Because of the close relationship of your spine with the central nervous system these joint dysfunctions can impact the flow of information between the brain and body. Messages may not be delivered to the brain, or inaccurate information may be received. When miscommunication occurs from abnormal movement of the spine your chiropractor will refer to this as joint dysfunction.

To address joint dysfunction chiropractors make specific chiropractic adjustments to the spine to restore natural movement. This restoration of communication from the body to the brain is why people report seeking chiropractic care for overall wellness and not just neck or back pain.

Do you have health goals that you just can’t seem to break through the plateau and reach? Let us help you determine if joint dysfunction is playing into your lack of optimal function.

Groundhog Health


Being a homeschool family this year means we are learning about every holiday and remembrance day that comes along. Right now we are in full groundhog mode. I currently know way more about groundhog burrows than I care to. We are big fans of the movie Groundhog Day at our house, and it got me thinking. How many people are frustrated with their health results, yet they continue to do the same thing day in and day out expecting different results? You cannot continue to drink all the sugary and caffeinated beverages, not drink any water and expect to avoid dehydration symptoms. You cannot continue to pretend your hormone levels aren’t off and think the PMS, hormone headaches, or that little extra weight will just go away. If you want your health status to change you have to make the commitment to stepping around the puddle instead of in it. You have to be committed to the change. It only takes baby steps. You don’t change everything about your health in one fatal swoop. you make small changes over time that add up to the difference you are wanting to see. Ready to be able to do that thing you haven’t done in years? Ready to go through a day without that underlying headache or pain? Then give us a call and let us help you formulate a plan to make the necessary changes, so you can stop reliving the same day over and over and over.

Also, did you know that Punxsutawney Phil is only 39% accurate?! Yet, people still check to see what he has to say and celebrate it! Next time you jump on the latest health craze bandwagon, figuring if everyone else is doing it then it must be healthy, remember those statistics.

Bone Broth


Fall weather has arrived and with it soup season! Ok, we eat soup year round at our house, because we love it! Homemade bone broth is great for sipping on its own or for using as the base of a variety of soup. A few health benefits bone broth provides are: it is a great source of vitamins and minerals, high collagen content helps to support the joints and gut repair helps your overall health. We like to start with having a whole chicken for dinner one night and then save those bones to make bone broth with. It can be made on the stove or in a slow cooker or pressure cooker.

Bone Broth
Bones that have been cooked
2 carrots
2 celery stalk
head of garlic
1 onion
water to cover all the ingredients

On the stove we let this simmer for several hours, adding water as needed.

In the Instant pot we cook it on manual for 120 minutes and then let it do a natural release.
Strain into storage jars and let cool.

What is your favorite soup to make with bone broth? Or do you prefer to sip on a mug of broth by itself?

Virtual Learning Ergonomics


As children return to school virtually it is important to watch their posture and help them with the overwhelming amount of screen time that has been added to their life.

Desk Ergonomics:
Chair should be at a height that feet can touch the ground, if feet cannot reach then a stool should be placed under the feet. There should be room under the desk for knee, feet and thighs. Computer screen should be arm length away and the address bar on the internet should be at eye height.

Some add ons that may be helpful for your child: Blue light blocking glasses for eye strain. A wobble disk to sit on, sit to stand desk, or fidget band on chair legs can help for children who have trouble focusing.

Outside time is so important after time spent on the computer, be sure your child is getting plenty of free play after structured learning time.

Regular Chiropractic adjustments will help keep joints functioning properly so that your child can comfortably maintain the needed posture to allow them to excel in this new way of schooling. Give us a call today if you are noticing your child struggling with this new way of doing school.

Prepping for the Unknown


Usually this time of year we are talking backpack safety and healthy lunch ideas, but this year parents concerns are about a much different topic. As we prepare to send our kids Into the Unknown (did you just hear Frozen music in your head?) Parents are worried about whether it is even safe to send their child, will the instability of switching back and forth between classrooms and virtual settings be ok, can homeschooling even work for our family? The list of concerns are endless. First of all, take a deep breath. You were blessed with your children because you are the one suited to parent them! Whatever choice you make for their education will be coming from a place of love, and that is what your child will see. Parents who will do whatever it takes to see them in the best environment for them, given the circumstance. Also, remember decisions don’t have to be set in stone, if something isn’t working you can change your mind. For now just take the first step.

What can you do to support your child’s body during this time? Feed them nutritious meals, keep them active, get plenty of sunshine and of course get them in for their chiropractic adjustments so we can be sure to keep their nervous system functioning optimally. And while your at it remember to take care of yourself also! For some everyday self care tips be sure to follow our Instagram @revchiro. Keep breathing and give your kids some big hugs, they aren’t getting near enough of those right now!

Common vs. Normal Motherhood

Just because something is common does not make it normal.


Society’s idea of modern day motherhood says hustle, hustle, hustle, do it all and do it perfect. This idea of motherhood is not healthy! Not only are we not meant to do it all, but we are especially not meant to do it all alone. We need support, we need the ability to heal and we need quiet space to hear those whispers warnings from our body so they don’t have to become screams. Prioritizing your non-negotiable is vital to remaining healthy and still accomplishing what you want to.

So how, especially right now when our children are always with us do we prioritize our health. First and foremost you have to make the mindset shift that says, “I am worthy of being cared for”. As a mother we often feel guilty if we aren’t putting everyone else’s needs before our own. Once you have allowed room for knowing you are worthy of healing we often need someone to help us plot a course for getting there. It is so much easier to look at others and lay out a plan for what they need to do to fix themselves, but when it comes to helping ourselves we are often lost. We have been ignoring our bodies warning signs for so long that we can’t even hear them anymore.

As a Chiropractor working with people to wake up their bodies intuition so they can listen to the doctor inside them is one of the most rewarding things. When that light bulb comes on and someone can say I knew I needed to stop doing that activity because my body didn’t like it, or I knew that chocolate craving meant I needed magnesium, or instead of emotionally spiraling I got up and moved, is when we know you are on the path of healing yourself. The chiropractic adjustment balances your nervous system to help you get to this point of being aware of your health.

Being a chiropractor means I get to walk along side mom bosses who are feeling overwhelmed with wanting to be the best mom and also have big goals for how they want to accomplish their goals. I get to help you heal your body so that you have the energy and mindset to accomplish both these things. If you are ready to wake up that intuition and prioritize your non-negotiable give us a call today to get started.

Important update


Yesterday our Governor and Mayor made a proclamation: ordering all non essential businesses to cease operating and to eliminate all unnecessary contact. We would like to inform you how this affects our practice and our patients.

Firstly, we may stay open and operational as we are considered essential health personnel. Our commitment to our patients will allow other health personnel who are directly involved with treating those who are sick to focus on their task at hand, without using precious time and resources on issues we can address.

Secondly, in order to comply with the order of eliminating unnecessary contact we have made the decision to encourage our wellness patients to not come to the office during the term of this proclamation. For all other patients who have active pathologies, current conditions, or ongoing care instructions from us we still encourage you to keep your appointments. In other words, if you have full function, no pain, and are just being awesome proactive patients: do your home exercises, go for a walk, and keep looking for the all clear to come back. If for some reason you don't know which group you're in or if you have an issue we can assist you with verbally, please call our office.

Also, we understand if you have concerns about visiting our office at this time, but we want you to know we are currently screening all patients prior to entering, keeping the total number of people in the office less than ten, cleaning all contact surfaces, and keeping good personal hygiene.

Lastly, we will continue to comply with all orders as they come current and will update everyone accordingly.

Drs. Duncan

Letting go of the overwhelm

In today’s day and age we have so many things on our plate. having so many demands places us in a state of fight or flight far too often. While the fight or flight state is vital to our survival as a species, if we stay in this state for too long we begin to damage our body. Long term sustained stress causes: Muscle guarding, chronic pain, respiratory issues, hypertension, adrenal fatigue, increased cortisol levels, continuous nervous system activation leading to wear and tear on all bodily systems and so much more. What can we do to overcome this overwhelm and return to a state of rest?


As chiropractors we are doctors of the nervous system. we are primarily looking to remove interference from your nervous system; so that you can return to that state of rest, and only be triggered into the fight or flight state when it is needed for your survival. Therefore getting regular chiropractic care will help your body overcome that overwhelm.

Other things that are beneficial for bringing you out of the state of overwhelm are: breathing exercises, meditation, tapping, adequate sleep, proper nutrition, physical exercise, and a social support network.

How do you calm your nervous system?

Sleep Habits

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to get adequate quality sleep. While there are stages of life when others dictate your sleep, i.e. a new baby, or the night shift at work, most of the time when and how we go to sleep is within our control. For adults 6-8 hours of sleep is necessary to maintain overall health. A bedtime routine and healthy sleep habits can help us achieve this quality of sleep. Below are ideas to help you with self care when it comes to sleep.


Turn of screens one hour before you plan to sleep and keep electronics charging in another room.
Go to sleep and wake up at the same times daily
Wear blue blocker glasses when on electronics or watching tv
Stop water intake two hours before bed
Only drink caffeine in the morning
Your bedroom should be a place of rest. Don’t bring your work to bed.
Have designated pajamas, don’t sleep in workout clothes.
Keep the environment cool and dark.
Keep a pad of paper and pen by your bed so you can jot those thoughts keeping you awake

What is your favorite bedtime routine activities that help you sleep? We would love to hear about them in the comments.